Survey about new maps for the “Arena” mode
It’s time to conduct an in-game survey and find out which map in your opinion turned out to be the most successful, and which ones did not reach its level.
21 March 2022Announcement -
The Garage 2.0. Last Expedition
Attention, survivors! “The Garage” is back on the air! The latest news of the Wasteland! We also read your messages and choose the build of the episode!
20 March 2022Video -
Crossout Show: Can’t Catch Me
Riders of the Apocalypse! We welcome you to our weekly Show, made so that you - the Waste’s best mechanics and riders, can earn some Gold! New episodes every Friday!
18 March 2022Video -
Planned balance changes of the update 0.13.50 Test server
Today we would like to present to you all balance changes that are currently planned for the upcoming update. All changes and new features can be tested on a special server.
18 March 2022Mass testing -
Reduced upgrade cost for cabins!
The event will be available from 12:00 GMT on March 18 to 23:59 GMT on March 20!
18 March 2022Special -
The deluxe pack “Triad: The Keeper” is available in the in-game store!
Unique decor, paint “Azure Dragon” and, of course, the magnificent garage of the Syndicate — all this can be obtained until March 23. Don’t miss this opportunity!
17 March 2022Special -
‘Rebuild in Crossout!’ (16 of March - 22 of March)
The 3 best entries will be selected in two groups, and their authors will receive a reward of 300 coins and an epic "Amusement container" (first group) and 100 coins and an epic "Amusement container" (second group)!
16 March 2022Сontest -
Free promotional packs from Crossout and its partners!
We remind you that all players have the opportunity to get several free bonus packs. Some of them contain unique cosmetic items, and others contain an armoured vehicle with a portrait and decor!
15 March 2022Announcement -
Exchange badges for any structural parts from the exchanger!
We have prepared a special promotion for you: throughout this month, all structural parts that were previously unlocked strictly according to the game’s schedule will be available in the “Badge exchange” section of the game.
14 March 2022Special -
Crossout Show: Embroiled in Flames
Riders of the Apocalypse! We welcome you to our weekly Show, made so that you - the Waste’s best mechanics and riders, can earn some Gold! New episodes every Friday!
11 March 2022Video