Operation “Radiance” starts soon!
We would like to remind you that the next operation against the Ravagers will start soon: at 00:00 UTC, June 27.
26 June 2024Announcement -
[PC] “Triple Shot 1” on this Saturday!
It's time to show yourself! Take a chance to participate in a new tournament and earn cool rewards!
24 June 2024Tournament -
50% bonus to the reputation earned!
The special will be available from 12:00 GMT on June 21 until 23:59 GMT on June 23!
21 June 2024Special -
The operations against the Ravagers and the new “Mind hunt” event
The time of the final standoff is upon us. Fight the Ravagers in a trilogy of brawls and take part in a special event!
20 June 2024Announcement -
[PC] “Experiment 41: Ravagers Ascension” on this Saturday!
It's time to show yourself! Take a chance to participate in a new tournament and earn cool rewards!
17 June 2024Tournament -
Treacherous Wasteland: places with highest destruction counts. Part 3
We continue to share the thermal maps that show where your armoured vehicles most often get blown to pieces during the fierce battles in the Wasteland. This time, let’s take a look at the “Factory”, “Sector EX” and “Clean island” maps.
14 June 2024Announcement -
Brotherhood stronghold: location panorama
The Brotherhood settlements have always been known for their safety. Many survivors would join Steppenwolfs or Scavengers just to get a spot in one of their colonies.
11 June 2024Stories -
Exhibition optimization and deleting certain blueprints
It’s time to sort through the heaps of blueprints and to discard the obsolete ones to make space for the great future creations.
10 June 2024Announcement