The funniest armoured vehicles from the Crossout exhibition
Today, in our traditional selection of the best armoured vehicles from the engineers of the Wasteland — cars made specifically for the April Fools exhibition. All applicants were selected by the jury based on the votes of users at the game exhibition, as well as for their originality and the author’s unconventional approach to assembly.
The lonely duck is waiting for you, survivor. Every evening you return to your garage from raids. Tired. Worn from the dusty roads. Weary from the battles. Alive…
The Wasteland is not the kindest place on Earth after crossout. Wildlands. Wild raiders. You only just leave your garage in the morning, the sun has just come up, and it's time to go for the next battle already. A good conversation will be even better if the music is louder and the calibre is bigger.
You can meet all sorts of people in the Wasteland. You can stumble upon all kinds of armoured cars too! Someone's walking a snake. A good snake is valued in our area. We got them instead of cats and dogs. It can put its massive head on your lap in the evening: “Pet me, master!” And meanwhile, it already tangled a couple of tipsy raiders in the yard with its tail. A valuable beast!
We also love good jokes in the Wasteland. And there's a punishment for a bad one! Keep your eyes open! If, of course, you've got something to keep open.
Sometimes wild merchants come to our Valley with their goods. All the kids come running to look at the outlandish items. And adults come too. They look at them, feel them. But they rarely buy anything. We've got lots of our own curiosities from the Mortuary raids.
And here's the statue that stands on the main square. They say that it was built by the famous artisan Banksy, who was passing by last summer. What he is famous for, I do not know. But the statue is good. Some visiting raiders are so frightened of it that they forget to rob people and go back to hide in their Wasteland.
Speaking of art. Our youth recently got into the mood to paint various pictures. And the rascals paint anywhere: they can use the wall of a house, and they can also disassemble an armoured car and make a picture of it. The old men say that this is all Banksy's fault. His statue has that special effect on immature minds. If they still remain, of course.
This picture is especially popular in our village. The youth gathers at its side every night and looks at it, and looks…
And this picture is special. It scares the mice and rats in the barn.
And this was brought from a long raid. The men liked the statue. This isn't a village, but a proper Pompidou museum!
Let me tell you about our cats. The cats this year are fabulous. The fur glitters with metal. Eyes sparkle with lasers. Tails up! Pipes in their maws!
And this is my Tiger. Domesticated! Gentle! Just gotta make sure to grease the hinges in its paws. Feed him only with the best “Royal Canin” gas. A glorious beast!
And this is was made by my grandmother. She loves to remember her youth. When she was a famous Twitch blogger. She exhibited all sorts of shameful games and made truckloads of coins. She is still alright! I'll probably go to my garage. Before she burns my beard.