Changes in the lighting system, future balance changes in cabins and mechanics of hovers. Special test server
Please note that all the features described in this news article are preliminary, relevant only for a special test server and may still be changed before the final appearance on the game servers.
In the near future, we plan to rework the lighting system in the game and are ready to present its current version on the test server.
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The changes will allow realizing realistic effects of dispersion of sun rays in the atmosphere, the position of the clouds and their illumination will be close to real, and the colour and brightness of the Sun in the game will correspond to the time of day when the battle between the players takes place.
Today you will have the opportunity to test the balance changes in a number of cabins that are scheduled for the next update:
- The value of bonus damage from the unique perk of the “Icebox” cabin has been increased from 10% to 15%.
- The value of bonus damage for each second in stealth when using the “Ghost” cabin is increased from 1% to 1.5%.
- The amount of energy, given by the cabin “Favorite”, is increased to 12 units.
- Cabin's PS is lowered to 1500.
- Increased resistance to melee damage for the cabin “Cerberus”. Cabin power increased by 15%.
Now the increase in vehicle mass significantly affects its acceleration, and this is especially noticeable in the example of the heavy craft. As part of this open testing, we reduce the dependence of the acceleration of the armoured vehicle on its mass. This will have a positive effect on the overall dynamics of the game, and we invite you to see this for yourself.
We are also ready to share the latest information on the hover rework.
Analysis of the data on the tests already conducted allowed us to determine the priority direction in which we would like to rework this movement part. We are introducing a direct dependence of hover power on the power of the used cabin and engine. Thus, you can increase the acceleration and manoeuvrability of your armoured car by installing a cabin with more power or an engine of epic rarity, which significantly increases it.
Analyzing statistics and reviews, we also came to the conclusion that, despite the existing restrictions, the speed of the armoured vehicle with hovers in battle conditions is significantly higher than the speed of crafts with other running gear and does not meet our expectations. Due to the fact that the player has the opportunity to install more hovers, we also intend to slightly reduce their durability, which compensates for their total durability, excellent mobility and the ability to effectively “armour” them with the help of various parts.
These changes will reduce the effectiveness of crafts with hovers based on low-power “common” and “rare” cabins at low and medium PS.
So, the list of changes in the current version is as follows:
- Hover power directly depends on the power of the cabin and engine.
- Each installed hover “Icarus VII” reduces the power of the armoured vehicle by 5%.
- Each installed hover “Icarus IV” reduces the power of the armoured vehicle by 8%.
- The tonnage of both hovers has been increased from 500 to 850 kg.
- The maximum possible speed of both hovers is reduced by 12%.
- The durability of the hover “Icarus VII” is reduced from 150 to 130 units.
- The durability of the hover “Icarus IV” is reduced from 200 to 170 units.
- To combat the intentional installation of 3 hovers in order to obtain the most effective armoured vehicle for battles at low PS, we introduce an additional feature. Now the power of an armoured vehicle with 3 (or fewer) hovers will, by default, correspond to the power of the same armoured vehicle with 4 hovers.
Today we are planning to launch a special test server. There you will be able to evaluate all of the above changes and then share your constructive feedback on the forum. The instructions on how to access the test server can be found HERE.
Please note the schedule of the test server:
- Friday, January 25, 2019: from 15:00 to 20:00 (GMT)
- Saturday, January 26, 2019: from 15:00 to 20:00 (GMT)
- Sunday, January 27, 2019: from 15:00 to 20:00 (GMT)