Now available
on Android and iOS
Crossout is the post-apocalyptic MMO Action game in which you can craft your unique battle vehicles from a myriad of interchangeable parts, ride them directly into combat and destroy your enemies in explosive PvP online battles in the air and on the ground.

Planned changes to parts parameters for the update 0.13.60. Test server


Today we invite you to check out the planned balance changes. As always, you can test all changes on a special server. Let’s go!

Balance changes


Durability reduced from 330 to 231 pts.

Comment: at the moment, “Borer” has excessive effectiveness in battles at 4000 - 5000 PS range. Reducing the durability will make it easier to counter-play this weapon and give you more opportunities to destroy it before colliding with enemies.


Damage reduced by 10%.

Comment: we’re slightly reducing the shotgun’s damage to bring its excessive effectiveness back to normal within 5000 - 6000 PS frames.

R-2 Chill

The module’s effectiveness when combined with shotguns has been reduced.

Comment: This radiator is practically the only option for a powerful 4000 - 5000 PS build equipped with shotguns.

CS Taymyr

Bonus to cooldown speed increased from 50% to 60%.

Comment: along with the improvement of coolers, we are trying to diversify vehicle builds and make coolers a real alternative to radiators.

P-23 Defender

Durability increased from 140 to 161 pts.

Comment: despite the fact that the machine gun was designed to be used at 4000 - 6000 PS, currently it’s not effective enough within those frames. We are slightly increasing its durability to improve the weapon’s survivability in combat.

AC62 Therm

Damage increased by 10%.


Damage increased by 10%.

Comment: like “Synthesis”, “Therm” is not powerful enough compared to other weapons of the same level. A small increase in damage should improve the situation and increase their demand among the players.


  • Now, at long range, the silhouette of an armoured car becomes barely visible if it’s moving at a speed of 80 km/h (previously - 100 km/h).
  • Now the silhouette becomes visible from a distance of 100 m. (previously - 70 m.).

Comment: the main problem with those invisibility modules is that they are too effective and not particularly demanding to player skill. Often the vehicle, being invisible, simply picks up the speed and rushes directly towards the enemy. Now, even while being invisible, the player needs to be more inventive.

Hot red

PS increased from 216 to 275.

RN Seal

  • PS increased from 275 to 400.
  • The module’s effectiveness when it’s combined with shotguns has been reduced.

Comment: at the moment, the radiator is too effective. This is especially noticeable at 5000 - 6000 PS and when using shotguns. That’s why we are implementing minor changes to its PS and reducing the module’s effectiveness when it’s used with shotguns.


  • PS increased from 275 to 400.
  • Bonus to cooldown speed is now 85% (instead of 70%).
  • Maximum bonus from the perk increased from 30% to 45%.

Comment: the situation with “Shiver” is similar to the situation with “Taymyr”. We would like to make coolers a good alternative to radiators while assembling certain armoured cars.

AC72 Whirlwind

Damage increased by 17%.

Comment: we have taken into account your feedback about the lack of effectiveness of “Whirlwind”, and we are increasing the damage dealt by the autocannon.


  • Spread format changed from square to rectangular (closer to shotgun spread).
  • Maximum spread reduced by 25%.

Comment: changing the spread format will increase the convenience of using the nailgun, and the spread reduction will allow you to more effectively “disassemble” the enemy vehicle in close-range battles.


Damage reduced by 10%.

Comment: “Thunderbolt” is too effective at 8000 - 10000 PS level and clearly stands out from other epic weapons.


  • The required force of impact to activate the perk was reduced by 50%.
  • Damage increased by 10%.

Comment: the situation with “Gremlin” is the opposite to the one with “Thunderbolt”. These changes will make it easier to use the weapon’s perk, and a slight increase in damage will improve the weapon’s effectiveness during moments when the perk cannot be used.


Mass reduced from 840 to 576 kg.

Comment: since “Bootstrap” has appeared in the game, one of the most frequent (besides questions about the non-standard model) questions we’ve been receiving concerned its over excessive mass. We invite you to evaluate how a lightweight and durable generator will fit into your builds.


  • Bonus to projectile explosion radius from the perk increased from 100% to 150%.
  • Bonus to blast damage from the weapon’s perk increased from 40% to 50%.

Comment: with these changes, we tried to take into account your feedback on how this weapon can be improved.


Damage increased by 15%.

Comment: this damage increase will improve the effectiveness of this rocket launcher.


Now, to activate the perk, the car must not take damage in for 4 sec. (previously 10 sec.)

Comment: the previous version of this perk was quite difficult to use during fast-paced battles in the game.


Now the bonus from each charge is 4% (instead of 5% before).

Comment: we would like to balance the effectiveness of the wheel’s perk when it is used in conjunction with some weapons on 9000 - 10000 PS levels.


  • Maximum bonus to damage from the perk reduced from 50% to 40%.
  • Now the bonus received from an epic booster is 15% (instead of 13% before).
  • Now the bonus received from a rare booster is 10% (instead of 8% before).
  • Now the bonus received from a common booster is 5% (instead of 4% before).

Comment: “Cockpit” is extremely effective in battle on high PS levels and it’s a perfect choice for a leviathan. With these changes, we would like to improve and balance its effectiveness compared to other cabins and, at the same time, increase its relevance for cars at lower Power score levels, that use fewer epic boosters or boosters of lesser rarities.


The duration of the perk reduced from 8 to 6 sec.

Comment: the builds based on “Blight” are too effective at high PS levels (14000). Changes to the perk’s duration and time of dealing increased fire damage should fix it.

Chameleon Mk2

  • Now, at long range, the silhouette of an armoured car becomes barely visible if it’s moving at a speed of 80 km/h (previously - 100 km/h).
  • Now the silhouette becomes visible from a distance of 100 m. (previously - 50 m.).


  • Damage reduced by 10%.
  • Ammunition reduced from 175 to 100.

Comment: this flamethrower is often used with the “Blight” and it’s currently too effective at high PS levels.


Durability increased from 221 to 260 pts.

Comment: this change should slightly increase the survivability of the shotgun in close-range combat.


Damage increased by 15%.

Comment: we have taken into account your comments that the shotgun is not very useful in battles, especially compared to other legendary weapons.


  • Durability reduced from 765 to 576 pcs.
  • Mass reduced from 940 to 648 kg.

Comment: similar to “Borer”, these changes are meant to simplify the counter-play against this weapon before colliding with an enemy. Before these changes, “Harvester” was extremely effective in high-level battles (13000 Power Score).

AC80 Stillwind

Damage increased by 17%.


Damage increased by 10%.

Comment: “Stillwind” and “Fortune” were not efficient enough compared to other legendary weapons. In both cases, many players felt that the increase in damage could fix the issue. We invite you to check out the changes for both weapons.

How to get to the test server?

If you have already participated in testing on a special server, then it will be enough to start the Launcher from the folder with the test client and wait for the update to complete.

  • Create a new folder for the game on your hard drive.
  • Download the Launcher from this link. The file name should not contain numbers indicating that the file is a duplicate. Please note that you should launch the file that does not contain any digits (1), (2), etc. in its name. If, when starting the installed launcher, you get to the live game servers, you need to delete all downloaded launchers from the download folder and try again.
  • Start the Launcher and install the game to the folder you created (for example: D:\Public test\Crossout).
  • After the installation is complete, start the Launcher and enter the game with your username and password.
  • The whole progress of your main account will be transferred to the main server (including parts in storage and levels of reputation in factions).
  • After logging into the server, to transfer progress from your account, press the “Esc” key and select “Copy account data”.
  • Please note the schedule of the test server:
    • Friday, April 8, 2022 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
    • Saturday, April 9, 2022 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
    • Sunday, April 10, 2022 from 13:00 to 19:00 (GMT time)
  • Any progress you make on the test server will not be transferred to the live game servers (INCLUDING ATTEMPTS TO BUY PACKS).

After testing the changes, we invite you to leave your constructive feedback on the planned rework HERE.

The public test server is intended only for testing of the upcoming update, and may not accommodate all players without exception. However, absolutely anyone can join the server, as long as there are free spots.

Discuss it here!

8 April 2022
Mass testing