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Crossout ist das postapokalyptische MMO-Actionspiel, in dem Du deine einzigartigen Kampfmaschinen aus unzähligen austauschbaren Teilen zusammenbauen kannst, sie direkt ins Gefecht führst und deine Feinde in explosiven PvP-Online-Schlachten in der Luft und am Boden zerstörst!

Das Crossout Team auf der E3 2016

Nach der offiziellen Premiere von Crossout auf der E3 in Los Angeles im letzten Jahr, kam das Entwicklerteam auch dieses Jahr wieder nach Kalifornien, um den Medien die jüngste Version des Spiels zu präsentieren und kommende Features und Entwicklungspläne vorzustellen. Wie schon im Jahr zuvor waren die Journalisten vor Ort begeistert vom Spiel - so erhielt das Projekt vom Game World Navigator Magazin die Auszeichnung zum besten Free-2-Play-Titel der E3 2016.

Im folgenden haben wir euch die interessantesten Artikel, Interviews und Eindrücke von Journalisten über die jüngste Version zusammengestellt:

E3 2016: Crossout Preview

Part Twisted Metal, part Minecraft, Gaijin’s latest game creation combines vehicular destruction with the ability to build almost anything. We’ve been covering Crossout for quite some time, but it has only been in a playable Closed Beta state since April, 2016. While at E3 2016, I had the opportunity to discuss some of the recent changes to the game and get to test out my demolition derby skills.


E3 2016: Crossout crosses vehicular combat with Mad Max madness

Like if Mad Max and Twisted Metal had a baby in a sandbox.


E3 2016: Don’t ‘Crossout’ Gaijin’s Vehicular Action Game

Player created content is all the kids are talking about these days. The kids just won’t shut up about their Minecraft, consarn it. That’s fine. Really. Different companies have been latching onto the “toy box” trend to put out some rather interesting experiences. Take Gaijin Entertainment and Targem Games, for example. They have been putting quite a bit of work into Crossout and the end results look to pay off.



You build your own post-apocalyptic car (but sadly there’s no real avatar customization), go out, and fight other people with it in single-life deathmatches that last about three minutes.


Crossout Preview – Witness Me

In Crossout you build road vehicles from the ground up by attaching components to one another. You begin with a couple of frame pieces, add on a cabin, and attach some wheels. After that you’ll add guns or accessories and follow it up with a good bit of wasteland armor. Each individual component has a “Power Score”, and the total of this Power Score is the game’s rating of how strong your vehicle is.


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1 Juli 2016